The third longest river in the word emerges from glacial meltwaters on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, before plunging eastward for 3915 miles and emptying itself into the East China Sea at Shanghai. It has played a huge role throughout Chinese history and even today the river basin houses a third of China’s population. The Qutang, Wu Xia and Xiling gorges dominate a 124 mile stretch along the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze. However back in 2003, huge developments threatened to transform the landscape forever. After almost eighty years of planning and deliberation the 1.4 mile long Yangtze River dam started its first phase of operations. Within days the water level had risen significantly and the longest river in Asia would never be the same again. More than ten years on tour boats continue to make this time honored voyage into the misty heart of the world’s most populous nation. The four day cruise downstream from Chongqing to Yichang allows for plenty of down time and brings a good change of pace on a longer tour to China.