The history of Pingyao goes back almost a thousand years, though it really began to flourish as a financial center during the late Qing dynasty. In its heyday there were as many of twenty financial institutions in the city, over half the county’s total. The layout of the city conforms to the typical bagua pattern of this period. There are over 4000 preserved traditional residences, in varied condition. Some have been completely ‘renovated’, whilst others remain in their original state and are in disrepair. Overshadowing the main town resides one of the best preserved ancient city walls in all of China. Constructed in 1370 the 12 meter high barrier forms the shape of a turtle, earning Pingyao the name ‘turtle city’. In 1997 the whole area became a World Heritage Site, hopefully saving it from the wrecking ball that has ravaged so many other ancient Chinese towns.


The best way to visit the Pingyao is to take a walking tour, starting on top of the city wall, which provides a decent overview of the old town. From here one can enter the maze of narrow streets and visit the ‘Rishengchang’, which is considered to be the first bank in China. This rectangular compound was established in 1823 and at the time had over 35 branches throughout China. Other sites of interest include the martial arts museum, County Government Building and some of the many temples such as the Confucian and temple of the city god Caishen (fortune) which remains one of the best preserved temples in China.